SLV Fuels Status Page


This site was the brain child of Justin Deforest, Safety Officer on the Rio Grande National Forest. In his Justin way, he got me excited about having a fuels/fire website where everyone can get the latest information on fuels and fire intelligence. While he told me about this idea over the phone, I could imagine his Cheshire cat grin as he reeled me into his scheme, and got me enthused enough to shift the workload to me. Having no experience with website design, I figured “Hell yah, why not”.

I’m not always up for a challenge (I’m 52, I’ve proved enough), but this one seemed worthy, and I could do it while drinking my Coors. So, I hope this meets the needs of all who access it for info, and I’m always up for constructive criticism, and any suggestions to improve the site (see the CONTACTS page to send me an email).

Since I can’t get a picture of Justin and I together, because of COVID, this picture of me and the boys at the La Garita Institute of Technology will have to do.